Warehouse Management App

The application is designed to assist warehouse managers in monitoring multiple sensors placed throughout the facility, controlling specific devices, tracking the movement of deposited goods, and coordinating personnel. Additionally, it aids workers and other stakeholders in efficiently and safely performing tasks while facilitating seamless communication with the rest of the team.

UX Design


It can be challenging to monitor the entire warehouse situation in real-time, which is essential for managers and other workers to efficiently carry out specific tasks seamlessly. Effective communication among all roles and fostering a positive working environment are vital for ensuring the safe and efficient execution of work. Regrettably, neglecting these aspects can result in team frustration, financial losses, and customer dissatisfaction.

Hi-Fi Wireframes

After having gained a clear image about the flow of the activities for each role and some representative scenarios, I moved on to creating the low fidelity wireframes.

Dashboard & Inventory

Warehouse - Devices





I developed an app solution aimed at fostering user-friendly and efficient collaboration among all warehouse team members. It enables the warehouse administrator to maintain constant awareness of warehouse activities, working conditions, and storage status, allowing for prompt problem resolution to ensure smooth task execution by employees. Additionally, it facilitates the team in efficiently handling daily tasks.

Qualitative Research

In order to get more insights about the specifics of a warehouse, the way it is equipped, organized, the challenges the people with different roles are facing, I conducted some user interviews.


  • Please describe a common day while working in a warehouse.

  • I would like to know how the building is constructed and could you describe its structure, as well as provide details on the rooms including their size and number?

  • How and where is the stock stored. Are there specific characteristic a room must be equipped, depending on the stored goods?

  • Can you please first list the main activities you have to carry during a week?

  • What are the biggest challenges in your work?

  • Can you please describe how the collaboration within the team members is going?

  • What are the main challenges while monitoring the sensors and the devices within the warehouse?

  • What's the greatest motivator in your job?




  • "It is difficult to keep track of the status of all devices and sensors in every single room and to act promptly when problems occur." 

  • "The management of the merchandise is time consuming and error prone."

  • "There is room for improvement in the collaboration within the team.

Team Lead

  • "The work environment is sometimes unpleasant. Some rooms are poorly lit."

  • "I sometimes feel that the work environment is unsafe "

  • "Often the relevant data regarding the goods and their location is missing or not correctly updated"  

  • "There is a lack of efficient communication withing team"  


  • "There is a lack of information regarding the problems I have to solve and the rooms in which my intervention is needed." 

  • "I have to wait too long in order to receive accesses to the relevant rooms"

User Persona

After I had the interviews with persons from the relevant roles, I was able to sketch the related personas and managed to understand everyone's frustrations and wishes in order to have a more productive and enjoyable working experience.

Warehouse administrator

Warehouse worker


Problem Statement

After having understood the working environment, getting a clear profile of the persons involved in the work withing the warehouse, their frustrations and needs, I was able to formulate the problem statement.

Sebastian is a warehouse administrator who needs to easily visualize data regarding inventory situation, because he wants to be able to analyze the inventory situation and act accordingly.

Sebastian is a warehouse administrator who needs to easily manipulate devices and visualize data regarding devices status (sensors, cameras, lights, etc.), because he wants to analyze their situation and act on time if problems appear.

Sebastian is a warehouse administrator who needs to easily visualize the personnel situation (workload, their tasks, presence, etc.), because he wants to effectively coordinate them.

Sebastian is a warehouse administrator who needs to effectively generate and visualize reports on inventory sensors and personnel, because he needs to report the situation and effectively analyze and plan future actions.

Will is warehouse worker who needs clear information on inventory items, because he needs to know what to do in regard to the specific item.

Will is warehouse worker who needs to have a clear task list, because he needs to know what task he has to complete during the day.

Will is warehouse worker who needs to be able to raise alerts when problems in the warehouse occur, because the administrator has to be informed effectively.

Will is a warehouse worker who wants to communicate effectively with the team members, because he needs to know what task he has to complete during the day.

Will is warehouse worker who needs good working equipment, so he can work safely.

Gusti is a guest who needs accesses to the relevant rooms, so he can solve the problems.

Gusti is a guest who needs to be able to raise alerts if something is impeding his work, so that the responsible persons can act properly.

Gusti is a guest who needs to make notes regarding his work, so that the relevant persons get informed.

User Stories

After having formulated the problem statements, I proceeded with the user stories in order to clearly understand the needed functionalities.




Goal Statement

Having a clear defined the problem statement and their corresponding user stories, I formulated the goal statement.

The application will allow the warehouse administrator to monitor the inventory items status, sensors and devices and to effectively coordinate the workers by creating and assigning tasks, which will affect them (workers and contractors) at carrying out the tasks and communicate with the rest of the team.

User Flows

I started the design phase with creating some user flows. I began with user flows that were targeted on simple actions. Than I continued with creating a more complex user flow which contained several actions in order to be able to notice problems that might arise.




Information Architecture

I moved on with establishing the Information Architecture in order to have a better understanding of entities involved, their relationships and hierarchies.

Data Visualization

Alerts and Personnel


Lessons learned

Throughout this project, I gained valuable insights into the intricacies of managing a small to mid-sized warehouse, including its organizational structure, operational processes, and common challenges. Leveraging these insights, I honed my ability to identify effective and intuitive solutions to complex problems.




Design System