Task Management App

In many places, across different industries (event planning, constructions, etc.) where teams work together, there is a challenge in internal and external task management. The application comes as a support for such teams in order to offer a more efficient and pleasant experience while doing task management, task tracking and while collaborating with other teams and members.

UX / UI Design


There are often large scale projects or events where teams from different departments have to work together in order to complete the final task.

Interaction is important and several roles come into play (often there is an organizer who manages several teams, team leads who coordinate the members within their team, and the team members).  More often than not, there are tight deadlines that have to be respected and like anywhere, even with the best planning, unforeseen problems may arise. Therefor managing, tracking, categorizing and prioritizing tasks are some key issues that come into play when trying to work efficiently on large scale interdisciplinary projects. Unfortunately, poorly handling these issues often leads to unsuccessful project outcomes.

UI Design


Lists: Tasks, Alerts, Requests

Handle an Alert

Create an Alert



Teams & Members




I designed a mobile app that facilitates an efficient task management for events and projects where interdisciplinary teams work together. It provides the interaction between members having different roles (organizer/ project manager, team lead, team member), while working together on several tasks.

Qualitative Research

In order to get a better understanding about the way of working and challenges within interdisciplinary teams that are used to work in a dynamic environment, I conducted 3 interviews.


  • Please describe me a representative day while working for an event/ project.

  • Which are the phases within a project you are involved in? 

  • What are the main challenges?

  • What's the structure of the team/ teams and how are the responsibilities distributed within the team?

  • What's the structure of the team/ teams and how are the responsibilities distributed within the team?

  • What are the thinks that bother you most while working for a project?

  • What does excite you most and what's the greatest motivator in your job?



Event Organizer

  • "Communication between team members and team leaders is often slow." 

  • "Overview of the progress of the tasks is time consuming"

Team Lead

  • "It is difficult to get a quick understanding of the consequences caused by a problem that arose"

  • "One of the hardest challenges is being able to efficiently and quickly splitting larger problems into smaller tasks"

  • "My response time is sometime poor when problems are reported"  

  • "There is no clear procedure of  raising an issue to another team"  

Team Member

  • "I am often overwhelmed while working on several tasks." 

  • "I sometimes miss updates of tasks belonging to another member and on which my own tasks depend"

User Persona & Empathy map

With the information gathered through the interviews, I was able to sketch 3 user persona and their corresponding empathy maps. I came to the conclusion that most of the time the people involved in such projects are organized in 3 tiers roles: an organizer, several team leads and several team members within a team.


Team Lead

Team Member



Use Cases:

User Flows:

Hi-Fi Wireframes

After having obtained a clear image about the relationships Task-Request-Alert, about the relationship between Roles and having gained a clear understanding of the user flows and use cases, I moved on to creating the low fidelity wireframes.

Lessons learned

It was a real pleasure to design a cross team task management tool which gave me the opportunity to learn while concentrating on complex user flows, then sketching the related low-fi screens and finally creating the hi-fi wireframes.




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